This page last changed on Feb 23, 2007 by pburney.


  • MW as an applet so it can be embedded in web based activity
  • Basic document and navigation editing in OTrunk


  • example activity script in a web page connecting OTrunk components to flash or html
  • Mockups of activity navigation (brad and paul)
  • New mockup system in early March (paul)
  • Mockups of more flexible reponses to questions. For example student has a choice between drawing and writing. (brad)
  • Scripting in OTrunk (scott)
  • Versioned content management for UDL example activity? (subversion), aaron
  • example of Smart Graph activity (Ingrid)
  • Descriptions of tools to support the UDL authoring process.


UDL Advisory Board meets April 6

  • Need two lessons ready by then, Clouds and Friction, probably just in the new mockup environment.
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:49